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Legal profession of today is not conceivable without a special expertise in the field of International Business Law.
SIBE’s Handbook intends to offer a solid knowledge basis herein with numerous contributions of experts, in accordance to the study schedule of the LL.M. program in International Business Law of Steinbeis-SIBE. It addresses to the participants of the LL.M. program and, moreover, to all lawyers with the professional focus in international business affairs.
The Handbook refers to all the major fields of International Business Law, such as International Contract Law, European Law, Commercial Law, Antitrust Law, Competition Law, Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Insolvency Law, Compliance, International Economic Law (incl. WTO), Public Economic Law, Capital Markets Law, Corporate Taxation Law, Labor Law, Residence Law, International Civil Procedure and Mediation, all fields with a strong international perspective.
Eine Publikation der Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship GmbH
Die Herausgeber sind in verschiedenen Funktionen für Steinbeis aktiv. Die School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) ist die internationale Business & Law School der Steinbeis-Hochschule und wird von Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Werner G. Faix und Dr. Stefanie Kisgen geleitet. Mit Master-Studienprogrammen seit 1994 kann die SIBE derzeit über 700 Studierende, über 4.000 erfolgreiche Absolventen und über 350 Partnerunternehmen verzeichnen. // Stand: 05/2019