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Artikel 190 von 278 Zurück zur Übersicht
Microsystems in Medicine
Microsystems in Medicine

The netMED study

Sebastian Schostek, Harald Fischer, Daniel Kalanovic, Marc O. Schurr

ISBN 978-3-938062-43-2 2006 | Softcover, s/w | 108 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 117387

The utliziation of microsystems technology (MST) in medical applications is instrumental in opening up new market segments, in the creation of novel, more effective diagnosis and therapy options in medicine, as well as in further development of MST. However, the players in the healthcare industry are faced with technical and non-technical difficulties.
The present study analyzes this emerging field from the viewpoint of medicine, market, and MST. It identifies applications of medical devices with microsystems components, and analyzes their potential highly detailed.