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Support instruments and services for European technology-based companies entering the Chinese market
Support instruments and services for European technology-based companies entering the Chinese market

An overview of European and Chinese initiatives – Handbook

Franziska Bergmann, Eduardo Herrmann

ISBN 978-3-95663-027-9 2015 | Softcover, fbg. | 88 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 172911

Blick ins Buch | Cover als JPEG

This handbook presents an overview on selected case studies of business support services for European technology-based companies (TBCs) interested in performing research, technology and development (RTD) activities in China. Its overarching aim is to stimulate and support research and technology cooperation between European and Chinese companies by collating a selection of relevant industrial support instruments and services available for European TBCs offered in China and Europe.
The handbook was developed within the framework of the Dragon-STAR project by Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ). The target group of this handbook is European TBCs interested in getting embarked in international collaboration by establishing in China for the purpose of performing RTD activities there.
Whereas establishing and building up of a successful and sustainable business relationship with Chinese cooperation partners demands a fair amount of patience and time and it entails being confronted to challenges and obstacles, China is yet a highly attractive market for RTD activities. (www.dragon-star.eu)

Eine Publikation des Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrums (SEZ)

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Das Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) wurde 1990 auf Initiative des Europabeauftragten des Wirtschaftsministers des Landes Baden-Württemberg gegründet mit dem Ziel, insbesondere den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen den Weg zur EU-Forschungsförderung zu erleichtern und den transnationalen Technologietransfer zu begleiten. Seit 2016 wird es dabei von der Steinbeis 2i GmbH unterstützt. Als Teil des Steinbeis-Verbundes und Partner im Enterprise Europe Network bilden beide Organisationen für Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen, Politik und Verwaltung die Brücke nach Europa. // Stand: 02/2020