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10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs
10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs

A guide for cluster managers and business developers to support technological innovation

Samantha Michaux, Tabea Link (Lead authors)

ISBN 978-3-95663-168-9 2018 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 119 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 200290
0,00 € *

Blick ins Buch  |  Cover als JPEG

Europe’s high-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have a large share in developing smart products in the field of photonics and other Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). They are one of the backbones of Europe’s economic power, yet despite great innovation potential they often lack management skills and cross-sectoral market insights to leverage their products on the market. 
The EU funded project RespiceSME addressed these needs and developed a toolbox to boost the innovativeness and competitiveness of high-tech photonics SMEs. The tools were conceived to support cluster managers and business developers in consulting SMEs on business strategy.
This handbook provides a practice-oriented description of these tools outlining implementation guidelines on:

  • Evaluating the innovation potential of high-tech SMEs
  • Delivering support and advice to SMEs for improving corporate innovation management and formulating a strategy for Innovation
  • Enabling high-tech SMEs to exploit their potential and put novel products succesfully on the market 
  • Bolstering the competitiveness of SMEs by initiating transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation

To illustrate tools and methods the handbook also presents best practices collected in the framework of the RespiceSME project.

All templates and tools are available online:

Die Publikation ist auch als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich.

Eine Publikation der Steinbeis 2i GmbH.

Samantha Michaux ist Project Manager für Transport, Logistik und Elektromobilität und Tabea Link Project Consultant am Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) / Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i). Das SEZ bildet für Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen und regionale Wirtschaftsförderer die Brücke nach Europa. S2i verpflichtet sich den Themen Innovieren und Internationalisieren und stützt sich auf die über 25-jährige Erfahrung des Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrums. // Stand: 12/2018
Weitere Autoren: Petra Bindig, Linas Eriksonas, Pierre-Yves Fonjallaz, Louise Jones, Mary Konstantaki, Ian Mc Cabe, Gerard O’Connor, Julius Pauzolis, Stavros Pissadakis, Sergio Saez, Paul Stefanut, Ernst Stelzmann, Lennart Svensson, Johannes Verst.