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Handbücher zur innovativen Implementierung von Konzepten und Systemen aus der Technik innerhalb fachspezifischer Bereiche.

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10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs 10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs

A guide for cluster managers and business developers to support technological innovation

Samantha Michaux, Tabea Link (Lead authors) Art.-Nr.: 164564 | ISBN 978-3-95663-160-3 2018 | Softcover, fbg. | 117 S., engl. 0,00 € *

10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs 10 Tools to Enable the Innovation Potential of High-Tech Photonics SMEs

A guide for cluster managers and business developers to support technological innovation

Samantha Michaux, Tabea Link (Lead authors) Art.-Nr.: 200290 | ISBN 978-3-95663-168-9 2018 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 119 S., engl. 0,00 € *

Aligning the resilience-related research efforts in the EU-DRS projects Aligning the resilience-related research efforts in the EU-DRS projects

Joint Workshop DRS-7&14 projects | Brussels, September 13–14, 2017

Aleksandar Jovanovic, Emanuele Bellini (Eds.) Art.-Nr.: 198138 | ISBN 978-3-95663-143-6 2017 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 165 S., engl. 0,00 € *

An EU Initiative towards Advanced Situational Awareness and Enhanced Resilience An EU Initiative towards Advanced Situational Awareness and Enhanced Resilience

Joint Final Conference of the SmartResilience and SAYSO projects (DRS-14/SEC-02-DRS H2020)

Aleksandar Jovanovic, Hanna Maria Burkow (Eds.) Art.-Nr.: 207326 | ISBN 978-3-95663-207-5 2019 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 103 S., engl. 0,00 € *

Boosting research and innovation friendly support programmes for SMEs in Europe Boosting research and innovation friendly support programmes for SMEs in Europe

Key success factors and good practice examples for supporting SMEs in research and innovation activities

Effie Amanatidou, Olga Munteanu, Kerstin Seidel, Hartmut Welck, Kostas Bougiouklis Art.-Nr.: 152442 | ISBN 978-3-943356-02-1 2012 | Softcover, fbg. | 302 S., engl. 14,90 € *

Business Internationalization and Scale up Business Internationalization and Scale up

A Guide on Business Internationalization and Scale up of Danube Agro-Food Clusters

Maria Kourti, Nathalie da Silva, Clémentine Roth, Katrin Hochberg, Daniela Chiran, Valerie Bahr Art.-Nr.: 214774 | ISBN 978-3-95663-194-8 2020 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 122 S., engl. 0,00 € *

CITyFiED Innovation Management Guide CITyFiED Innovation Management Guide

A case study on the exploitation of smart city solutions in the European Smart Cities and Communities Project CITyFiED (Replicable and Innovative Future Efficient Districts and Cities)

Piotr Kalbarczyk, Dilay Kesten Erhart, Valerie Bahr Art.-Nr.: 208820 | ISBN 978-3-95663-214-3 2019 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 64 S., engl. 0,00 € *

CITyFiED Innovation Management Guide CITyFiED Innovation Management Guide

A case study on the exploitation of smart city solutions in the European Smart Cities and Communities Project CITyFiED (Replicable and Innovative Future Efficient Districts and Cities)

Piotr Kalbarczyk, Dilay Kesten Erhart, Valerie Bahr Art.-Nr.: 205555 | ISBN 978-3-95663-213-6 2019 | Softcover, fbg. | 60 S., engl. 0,00 € *

Cross-ETP Research and Innovation Roadmap for the Energy Efficiency in Building Cross-ETP Research and Innovation Roadmap for the Energy Efficiency in Building

Margherita Cioffi, Federico Di Gennaro, Silvia Zinetti (Lead authors) Art.-Nr.: 158617 | ISBN 978-3-943356-37-3 2012 | Softcover, fbg. | 102 S., engl. 9,90 € *

EuMaT Strategic Research Agenda 2017 EuMaT Strategic Research Agenda 2017

3rd Edition

The European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies - EuMaT Art.-Nr.: 182472 | ISBN 978-3-95663-125-2 2017 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 52 S., engl. 0,00 € *
