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The Platforms4CPS booklet was developed within the framework of the European project Platforms4CPS funded by the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme of the European Commission. Platforms4CPS is a collaboration between seven partners from four European countries Thales, France, Steinbeis 2i GmbH, Germany, THHINK Wireless Technologies, UK, FESTO AG & Co KG, Germany, FORTISS GmbH, Germany, KTH Royal Institute of Sweden and Systematic Paris Region Association, France.
The booklet presents the key outcomes of the work identifying business opportunities for European companies, the Platforms4CPS Repository and PlatForum, a CPS community roadmap, a Technology and Research Radar, innovation strategies for Europe, as well as work on developing a consensus on societal and legal issues addressing connectivity considering privacy, confidentiality and cybersecurity for CPS/IoT, legal issues considering risk and liability for autonomous vehicles, service Level agreements for new services, e.g. mobility providers and medical monitoring, ethical issues of AI and social impact of automation and robotics. The aim is to provide assistance to the European Commission in structuring the future Horizon Europe Research Programme, as well as giving researchers in the field and decision-makers from industry, academia, and policy making a broad perspective on developments and implementations in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems.
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Eine Publikation der Steinbeis 2i GmbH.
Dr. Meike Reimann ist Senior Project Manager für IKT und Biotechnologie am Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) / Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i). Das SEZ bildet für Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen und regionale Wirtschaftsförderer die Brücke nach Europa. S2i verpflichtet sich den Themen Innovieren und Internationalisieren und stützt sich auf die über 25-jährige Erfahrung des Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrums. // Stand: 12/2018
Weitere Autoren: Haydn Thompson, Daniela Ramos-Hernandez, Steve Bageritz, Adrien Brunet, Charles Robinson, Björn Sautter, Johannes Linzbach, Holger Pfeifer, Vincent Aravantinos, Martin Törngren, Fredrik Asplund, Xinhai Zhang, Isabelle de Sutter