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Artikel 28 von 28 Zurück zur Übersicht
Potential of biomass sidestreams for a sustainable biobased economy
Potential of biomass sidestreams for a sustainable biobased economy

Bringing added value to agriculture and forest sectors by closing the research and innovation divide

Cristina Cabeza, James Gaffey, Kees Hendriks, Nora Hatvani, Evelien Lambrecht, Hartmut Welck

ISBN 978-3-95663-217-4 2019 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 78 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 208907
0,00 € *

Blick ins Buch  |  Cover als JPEG

AGRIFORVALOR is a thematic network-project funded by Horizon 2020 of the EC. Its focus is on exploiting the valorization potential of biomass sidestreams (high value waste, residues, discards) from agriculture and forestry by facilitating innovation partnership networks aligning multi-actors from agriculture and forestry with the business and research community piloted in three hubs: Hungary, Ireland and Andalusia (Spain).
Sidestreams’ role in achieving a sustainable Bioeconomy is important as to broaden the feedstock base without increased land usage and as they are non-food competitive.
In addition, high value “wastes” from forestry, agricultural and agro-/forest-industrial, are accumulated every year in large quantities causing serious environmental problems. Moreover, these high value wastes are in majority still converted into energy at low added value. However, they could be utilized for the production of a number of higher value added products and in addition, circular concepts can be successfully applied to biobased production chain in terms of “waste” valorization as each step in the supply chain of bio-based products may provide sidestreams with different characteristics, which can be valorized in various ways.
Agriculture and forest sectors are important players and enablers of Bioeconomy and circular economy concepts. In order to profit from these opportunities knowledge and innovation networks and new business models are needed to develop and efficiently manage alternative processes fostering  new industrial value chains.

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// Stand: 07/2019