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Intelligent and Allied Approaches to Hybrid Systems Modelling
Intelligent and Allied Approaches to Hybrid Systems Modelling

Florin Ionescu | Dan Stefanoiu

ISBN 978-3-938062-31-9 2005 | Hardcover, s/w | 435 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 102303
19,90 € *

Blick ins Buch  |  Cover als JPEG

The book is intended for all those who wish to find out the results of the recent research achievements in the allied technologies and hybrid systems areas.
They would need it to enhance their konwledge, to provide a foundation for further studies, to indicate areas of product development , to point out areas where further developments are necessary.
The topics are primariliy addressed to engineers, researchers, research students and to those who are technically aware in the above mentioned areas.

Prof. Florin Ionescu is Full Professor with the University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) in Konstanz, Germany and visiting professor with other Universities since 1991. 1992 Prof. Ionescu was appointed by the Steinbeis-Foundation, Stuttgart, Germany as Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Centre (STZ) Dynamics of Machines, Hydraulics and Pneumatics and 2005 of the STZ Project Consulting for Eastern Europe, frame work where he deploied R & D activity and consultancy for industrial companies. 
Prof. Dan Stefanoiu is professor at the University of Bucharest, with the Department of Automatic Control and Computer Science. He was a visiting professor at Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble and at University of Annecy in France, Tampere University of Technology in Finland and University of Calgary in Canada. Recently, he was with the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz in Germany, Department of Mechatronics, as post doc fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the National German Research Council (DFG) and of Steinbeis Foundation. His research interests include time-frequency signal analysis, wavelets, speech coding, vibration analysis, data compression, modern system identification techniques, fault diagnosis, AI searching algorithms, evolutionary strategies and programming, fuzzy systems, multi-agent systems, robotics.
// As of: 12/2005