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This Transfer Documentation Report (TDR) of the Steinbeis University Berlin's Entrepreneurship, Globalization and Growth Institute Group introduces readers to the most important topics in the field of general management.
The TDR contains essential tools, instruments and methods for:
- Analyzing a company's CURRENT situation
- Analyzing a company's FRAMEWORK
- Developing STRATEGIC CONCEPTS for defining a company's chances, risks and strategies
- Developing STRATEGIES for achieving business objectives
When correctly used, transferred and implemented, the General Management Tools help sustain the sucess of companies and their business areas.
Think local ... act global!
Eine Publikation der Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship GmbH.
Die Publikation ist als neue Auflage erhältlich.
Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Kurt Nagel is an independent entrepreneur and was for many years chief consultant of IBM. He is an Honorary Professor at the University of Würzburg, Germany. And still member of advisory or supervisory boards of a number of companies.
Prof. Dr. Werner G. Faix is Professor of Business Management at the Steinbeis University Berlin and director of the Institutes for Entrepreneurship, Globalisation and Growth as well. He is chairman of the German-Chinese Economic Association in Baden-Württemberg and member of the international economics committee of the IHK Stuttgart. From 1982-1995 he held a number of management positions at IBM Germany.
Kurt Nagel in collaboration with Werner G. Faix, Annette Horne, Gerhard Keck, Joachim Sailer // Stand: 09/2010