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Artikel 181 von 278 Zurück zur Übersicht

European Dentists Make Evidence-Based Decisions: Bridge Between Universities And Dentists

STI Biotechnology in Interdisciplinary Dentistry (Ed.)

ISBN 978-3-943356-85-4 2013 | CD-ROM (Interaktives PDF), fbg. | 110 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 164013

Blick ins Buch  |  Cover als JPEG

Four universities and a professional dental organization have collaborated in the e-viDENT project aiming to raise awareness of EBD in Europe and, to produce this e-book that will help you in your clinical practice (Gazi University Ankara, Steinbeis University Berlin, Helsinki University,  KU Leuven, Turkish Dental Association). The project was granted by European Commission Education and Training Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
Although there is some understanding, the concept of evidence based dentistry is rather unknown and only sporadically practiced. When faced with clinical uncertainties 60% of the dental practitioners turn to colleagues for help and advice. Again part of the current undergraduate education may be inconsistent with the current evidence; but many dentists may rely on what was taught during the undergraduate dental education instead of keeping up with the current best evidence coming from the methodologically high quality scientific papers. Teaching the concept of EBD and, teaching the techniques, motivate the dentists to practice EBD and to implement the concept in their everyday clinical decisions.