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Open Innovation
Open Innovation

Strategic approaches for small and medium-sized enterprises

Petra Püchner, Heike Fischer, Aline Schmidt (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-95663-153-5 2017 | E-Book (PDF), fbg. | 75 S., engl.

Art.-Nr.: 152385

Blick ins Buch | Cover als JPEG

Open Innovation strategies – the fundamental opening up of the innovation process – can have a deciding role in a company’s competitiveness. Strategically opening innovation processes in companies in order to integrate and make us of external knowledge requires relevant internal and external structures, and most importantly a structure for managing innovation. The systemic combination of internal and external knowledge is not a practice not currently widely adopted by SMEs. This can be to do with concerns regarding the protection of IPR or a lack in resources for creating and implementing an Open Innovation process.
The goal of the current Open Innovation project is to inform Baden-Württemberg’s SMEs about Open Innovation and to present ways of overcoming related barriers. The project foresees a series of individual workshops and coaching sessions that will be carried out with SMEs and the documentation in a handbook of good practices and recommendations aimed specifically at SMEs.
In 2015, SEZ identified thematic networks, clusters and other initiatives that consider Open Innovation. An analysis resulted in the identification of initial Good Practices from Baden-Württemberg and European regions involved in the Vanguard-Initiative. These demonstrate Open Innovation process opportunities and methodologies. The Open Innovation project receives financial support from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg.

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Eine Publikation der Steinbeis 2i GmbH. // A Steinbeis 2i GmbH publication.
Die Autorinnen sind in verschiedenen Funktionen für das Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) / die Steinbeis 2i GmbH (S2i) tätig. Das SEZ bildet für Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen und regionale Wirtschaftsförderer die Brücke nach Europa. S2i verpflichtet sich den Themen Innovieren und Internationalisieren und stützt sich auf die über 25-jährige Erfahrung des Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrums. // Stand: 07/2017